
The Mechanism of Action of Using Complex Enzymes in Animal Feed

In the past few years, the development of complex enzyme used in animal feed in China has been rapid, with a rapid increase in technology level, variety and production levels. The product enzymes are similar to those used in foreign countries and contain a variety of enzymes including cellulase, xylanase, hemicellulase, pectinase, amylase, glycosidase, protease, mannose polymerase, and phytase. The quality of the products has gradually caught up with imported products.

Complex enzyme eliminate anti-nutritional factors caused by pectin, cellulose, and hemicellulose in feed

Any feed is mainly composed of cereals and plant-based raw materials. The nutrients in the feed are stored in the cells, and the cells are connected by pectin. When the feed is ground, only part of the cell wall is destroyed, and most of the nutrients are still inside the cells, affecting the digestion and absorption of livestock and poultry. The first step in the function of complex enzyme is the action of pectinase on the pectin between cells, separating the cells from each other; the second step is the action of cellulase and hemicellulase (xylanase, mannose polymerase, and lacto-novopentaose) on the cell walls, causing cell walls to rupture so that starch, protein, and fat are released from the cells. They are then treated with amylase, glycosidase, protease, and lipase to form soluble glucose, amino acids and fatty acids that are rapidly absorbed by the intestinal wall, raising the utilization of nutrients in the digestive tract, reducing animal fecal excretion volume, and thereby reducing environmental pollution.

Complex enzyme eliminate anti-nutritional factors caused by β-mannan and α-galactoside

Beta mannanase and its derivatives are one of the main components of the cell walls of legumes. β-Mannan in feed can inhibit the release of animal insulin, affecting sugar metabolism and the absorption of glucose and water. β-Mannanase can eliminate the inhibitory effect of β-mannan on insulin, increase the release of insulin in animals, promote sugar metabolism, and improve feed utilization. α-galactoside in the feed cannot be digested and absorbed by animals, increases the water content of small intestinal contents, and is fermented by anaerobic bacteria in the large intestine to produce gas such as carbon dioxide, causing digestive disorders, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. α-galactosidase can hydrolyze α-galactoside into galactose, which is used and absorbed by beneficial microorganisms in the intestine to remove anti-nutritional factors caused by alpha galactosides.

Complex enzyme reduce the viscosity of chyme

Barley, rye, and oats contain higher levels of β-1,3-1,4-glucan, with a content in barley of 3.9%-4.5%. It is highly hydrophilic and has a high viscosity. Using these feeds as animal feed can increase the viscosity of chyme in the animal's digestive tract, slowing the solubility of nutrients from the diet. Enzymes  in animal feed industry include β-1,3-1,4-glucanase which can reduce the viscosity of chyme, and improve feed digestion rate.

Complex enzyme supplement the deficiency of endogenous enzymes and stimulate the secretion of endogenous enzymes

Animals can secrete amylase, protease, and lipase, but the digestion systems of young and small livestock and poultry are not healthy and various digestive enzymes are secreted insufficiently. Therefore, adding industry enzymes such as amylase, protease, and lipase to the feed for young and small livestock and poultry can improve feed digestion rate, reduce digestive diseases, inhibit diarrhea, and promote growth and development.

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